The New Liberal Arts Sanford J Ungar Answers They Say I Say the New Liberal Arts Answers

The New Liberal Arts – Sanford J. Ungar

In his essay "The New Liberal Arts", Sanford J. Ungar argues that a liberal education just might be what Americans should strive for, not deny. Vii points were made by Ungar addressing misconceptions within said topic and his response to those misconceptions. Sanford starting time starts past stating the commencement mutual misconception "A liberal-arts degree is a luxury that virtually families can no longer afford. "Career education" is what we now must focus on"(They Say I Say, 190). Sanford argues that jobs are actually looking for people who are educated in the liberal arts because it produces disquisitional and analytical thinking instead of being specialized in ane subject. The next misconception that Ungar makes is that students are really finding it harder to find jobs with a liberal arts degree considering "Who wants to hire some somebody with an irrelevant major like philosophy or French?" (191). Ugar chop-chop combats said argument by stating that not only do liberal arts degree holders are finding it hard to find a job, but everyone else is too due to the declining economy. "Merely what if you lot're in a low-income offset-generation higher student?, wouldn't it be better to go into a specific field to guarantee your position" (191)? Would be the side by side questions that Sanford attacks in his essay, he explains that it is ignorant to think that just considering a student is starting time-generation that they cant receive the same teaching and thinking capability equally someone with the means to afford that type of education. The kind of thinking that these questions evoke some might say are borderline-prejudice, just a thing of the rich getting the better end of the bargain and the less-fortunate; the lower. Said thinking was actually used in the quaternary misconception discussed in Sanford's essay, stating that students should focus more than on the science and mathematical side of education because "thats where all the activity is"(192). He explains how the liberal arts does take foot in the broadest parts of the sciences and mathematics. Some people may too contend that liberal Democrats got this country into trouble in the past and so why take up a liberal education as stated in the fifth misconception in Sanford's essay. Sanford goes on to say that a liberal teaching really has naught to do with politics when in fact people who do get a liberal education can have an educated conversation and remember for themselves, not giving into what they've been told. Some people may fence, "America is the just country in the world that clings on such an sometime grade of post secondary education" states the sixth misconception, while Ungar states that non only are other countries coming to the United States to admire their post secondary education like China, but are presently to exist implemented as means of their ain education. Finally, the 7th and last misconception stated in Sanford'southward essay states the conventionalities of some that the toll of American higher education is rising and the liberal degree lacks the productivity and innovation that other certain degrees may accept. Ungar quickly counters past stating that by choosing a small liberal arts school, you get more ane on one fourth dimension with professors and faculty, which eventually would lead to a improve education which in turn would lead to more than innovation and belittling thinking from the students.

Personally, I retrieve that Sanford J. Ungar is completely correct in what he believes. A liberal education is nothing to be tampered with. Students with a liberal art caste exercise tend to think "outside-the-box" compared to their specialized brethren. Ungar states "Through immersion in liberal arts, students learn not merely to make a living, just also to live a life rich in values and character". Ungar is trying to say, in basic terms, that attaining liberal arts degree won't mean that your life is going to exist spent working a bumming nine-to-five, but instead build your character so that you tin can go into the real earth and think for your self.

About bryanwithat

19, higher, life.

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